Sunday, November 4, 2007

"Old Friends" and A Book List

Yesterday, I cleaned out the attic. I have a piece written about that adventure, but am waiting to see which article I've written will be used for our newsletter. I'll post that when we put the publication to "bed." Anyway, I re-discovered a treasure trove of books in our attic. I knew they were in there, but had forgotten how many we had...hundreds of books! All waiting to be re-gifted, donated, added to our library, or discarded. I happily spent the afternoon sifting through eleven (yes, I said 11!) crates of books.

We set aside a large pile to gift or give away and threw away some that we wouldn't want anyone else to stumble over. Then, I spent some time today making my Fall/Winter reading list:

A Sand County Almanac Aldo Leopold

Drawing Close to God Stephen D. Eyre

The Way of Agape Chuck and Nancy Missler

Old Testament Prophetic Books C. Hassell Bullock

The Joyful Christian, The Four Loves, The Business of Heaven C.S.Lewis

Moments With The Savior Ken Gire

Walden Henry David Thoreau

How They Found Christ Bill Freeman

The Practice of The Presence of God Brother Lawrence

Alphabet of Grace Frederick Buechner

Some of these are old friends and some are part of Charlie's collection. I'm excited to have my list together and started with Alphabet of Grace last night. Praise the Lord for written words, both His and those inspired by Him!